Contract Number: 47QTCA24D00AQ
Held By: ESCgov, Inc.
Period of Performance: 03/16/2019 to 03/31/2024
ESCgov’s GSA contract is a long-term, government-wide acquisition vehicle available to all Federal agencies, and State and Local governments.
– Spotfire
– Siemens (UGS)
– YottaStor
DHS Data Center 1
Contract Number: HSHQDC-06-D-00021/HSHQDC-08-J-00169
Held By: CSRA
Available Products: Storage as a Service
Period of Performance: 07/01/2008 to 06/30/2020
The contract was originally awarded in July 2008. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intends to issue a sole-source solicitation to CSRA to maintain continuity of services at DHS Data Center 1 during DHS’s transition to the Enterprise Computing Services (ECS) model of data center support.
As subcontractor to CSRA, ESCgov provides a broad range of storage as a service solutions.
For more information, contact
Jacquelyn Cannon, Solutions Engineer, ESCgov
(703) 637-8555 ext: 104
Mainframe Service for the Processor Environment
Held By: URS
Available Products: Mainframe processing capacity for DISA (as-a-Service)
Period of Performance: 06/01/2005 to 09/30/2027
The purpose of this contract is to provide a reliable, responsive, and cost-effective mainframe infrastructure that is dynamically scalable and able to adjust to changes in user demand, both increases and decreases, and priced on a utility (“as used”) basis.
In 2005 the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) made a strategic decision to stop acquiring mainframe computers, and begin contracting for on-site computing capacity – Mainframe as a Service. In October 2006 DISA awarded a consortium of contractors (URS, ESCgov and Sirius) an eight-year contract to provide mainframe computing service for the IBM z/OS and z/VM operating environments. In the years since 2006 DISA has experienced lower costs, increased flexibility, and easier access to new technologies by converting to Mainframe as a Service.
Key features of the Mainframe Service:
- Mainframe computing capacity is provided for a monthly fee, which is based on the amount of capacity DISA orders during each month of the contract.
- DISA increases use (and associated costs) when workloads increase; DISA decreases use (and associated costs) when workloads are smaller.
- All systems reside at government facilities, but the contractor retains title to all systems provided. The government uses operational funds for monthly service fees.
- The contractor is responsible for maintaining all systems, and for providing technology refreshments to systems as they reach the end of their supported lifecycle.
Contract Number: HSHQDC-11-A-00040
Held By: ESCgov, Inc. awards for Application Infrastructure and Security Capability Areas
Available Products: IBM Passport Advantage Software IBM PPA Appliances (e.g. PureData systems, Netezza, Data Power) IBM Security Products (e.g. ISS, Qradar) Subscription and Support / Maintenance and related consulting services
Period of Performance: 09/23/2011 to 09/22/2018
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) awarded to ESCgov a competed Enterprise Software Solutions Blanket Purchase Agreement for IBM Software products and services. The competed contract is available to all DHS components and authorized contractors.
Enterprise Software Solutions BPAs – IBM Enterprise License Agreement
Mandatory for DHS use (with exceptions): Yes
The Enterprise Software Solutions BPAs is a competitive Enterprise License Agreement established to provide software solutions and incidental services in three capability areas: Application Infrastructure, Backup and Storage, and Security. The agreement provides software licenses, software maintenance, training and consulting services within these three capability areas. This BPA was competed under GSA’s Information Technology (IT) Schedule 70.
Under this BPA, DHS components may issue orders on a Firm-Fixed Price (FFP), Time & Material (T&M) and Labor Hour (LH) basis for products and services.
Benefits of the ESS BPAs include:
- Provides software licenses and maintenance for Application Infrastructure, Backup and Storage, and Security by download or media for each order issued;
- Existing licenses and maintenance contracts from various outside vendors can be migrated under the Enterprise Software Solutions BPA;
- Existing and future maintenance contracts will be co-terminated to one-anniversary date;
- Current license upgrades and transfer of licenses within and between DHS organizations at no additional cost;
- Opportunity to negotiate additional discounts at the order level; and
- Licenses and maintenance costs will be centrally tracked under one license portal.
Period of Performance (POP): 9/23/2011 – 9/22/2018 – Note: Calls and orders issued in the final year of the BPA shall not extend 12 months after the POP of the final ordering period.
Post Award Teaming: For teaming opportunities, please contact Marisha Thoppil
Number of Awardees: 1 small business
For more information, contact: Marisha Thoppil: (703) 637-8555 ext 112